The Clock Tower
MapThe Clock Tower (Torre dell'Orologio) in Saint Mark's Square has recently been fully restored. Guided visits take place every day but you will need to book in advance - either by phone or on the website.
Contact Details
Address: San Marco, Venezia.
Opening Hours
Guided tours in Italian:
Every day at midday and 4 pm.
Guided tours in English
Monday to Wednesday: 10 am and 11 am.
Thursday to Sunday: 2 pm and 3 pm.
Guided tours in French
Lundi, mardi et mercredi: 14h et 15h
Jeudi, vendredi, samedi et dimanche: 10h et 11h
Closed on December 25th, January 1st and May 1st.
Visits only upon prior booking, with specialized guide. Upon request, different appointments can be booked for each language with the purchase of 12 tickets.
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Tips from Foursquare:
Did you know you can visit this famous monument in St. Mark's after the closing time?Yes, you can!Special Openings of the Clock Tower could be booked for groups of 12 people.More info on MUVE website

Such an impressive monument that you must go and see. Truly beautiful, don't miss the statues at the top either!

This is the famous clock tower designed by Maurizion Codussi, and is best explored by tour (you can book your tour with the Mueso Correr). Amazing views of the Piazza San Marco from here as well.

James Bond fights with Hugo Drax's henchman, Chang, at the Torre dell'Orologio in Moonraker (1979). Chang is thrown through the clock face and falls head first through a grand piano below.

I had a lovely guide called Elena who was very enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the history of the clock tower.

Hidden gem of a tour and highly recommended!

Beautiful astrological clock.

Students get 1€ of discount, and it' worth it!

It's so easy to miss the statute at the top of this place, but please don't.

Make sure they give you the room you booked - they gave us smaller rooms at first but were very helpful when we insisted!

Remember the movie Moonraker? This is the location where it was filmed.

Worth a walk-by

Always lovely photos!

Conocer lugares espectaculares es una ventaja que da el viajar, esta es una foto del recuerdo, pero sin duda me encantaría volver, cuando sea posible, la torre es mucho más bella en vivo. Translate

Costruita da Mauro Codussi, immette sulla Merceria, la via delle botteghe che da Piazza San Marco conduce a Campo di San Bartolomeo. Noti i Mori, 2 pastori di bronzo che battono le ore su una campana. Translate

A Torre dell'Orologio é muito bonita; não mostra apenas as horas, como também as fases da lua e os signos do horóscopo. Translate

3월인데 5시 45분이 마지막이고 성마르코 광장의 다른 여행지와 달리 현금 결제 8유로. 전혀 아깝지 않은 뷰를 보려면 5시 20분 정도 가서 엘레베이터에서 내려 왼편 자릴 맡도록. 그러면 해지는 베네시아를 그대 것으로 할 수 있음. ^^ Translate

Saatin numaralarına astrolojik burçlar yerleştirilmiş. Fotoğraf çektirmek için güzel bir dekor... Translate

Cada hora es un espectáculo ese reloj! Ponle atención! Translate

Simplemente hermosa!! Translate
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Submitted by: Laura
Viewed: 2949
Added: Mon Jul 09 2012