Malibran Theatre
The Malibran Theatre doesn't seem to have its own website. You can buy tickets for performances from the Fenice website.
Teatrino Groggia
This little theatre is in a park in Cannaregio. It occasionally has performances (see the website for details) and every year before Christmas it holds a small craft market which is perfect for last minute gifts.
Teatro Ca' Foscari in Santa Marta
This is a theatre run by the University of Ca' Foscari. Some performances are free but in general the tickets are 12 Euros. See the website for full details and how to book.
Teatro Goldoni
This theatre was founded in 1622 as the Teatro Vendrami and now has a theatre auditorium with 800 seats and hosts a varied programme of events.
The Fenice Theatre
One of the most famous opera houses in the world. You can buy tickets to performances online.
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